Belgian Bearded d’Uccle
The Belgian Bearded d’Uccle line is my favorite project since I am of Belgian descent. My birds have won Best of Breed and almost every Best of Variety in every show that I attended in 2001 in four different States. My line has illustrated a good ‘V’ topline, long foot feathers, beautiful beards and muffs with very small or non-existent wattles, and excellent color.
Malaysian Seramas
I am one of only two US breeders of Malaysian Seramas to have imported my breeding stock legally through USDA quarantine and US Customs. My flock is certified Newcastle, Avian Influenza, and Pullorum Typhoid-free. As a certified NPIP hatchery, my flock is tested for PT every year. My breeders originate from Kelantin, a Malaysian State where the Serama originated from, and I am able to offer Seramas in Class A, B, & Pet Quality. Class A is 350 grams or less at 5 months of age (shipping time), Class B is 351-500 grams, and Pet Quality is a bird with a serious fault for showing and considered the least in quality standards. If I have a particularly friendly bird in breeding quality, I usually transfer them to Pet Quality. I have two different bloodlines and multiple color variations. The gram weight of my males start at 319 , and my females start at 322. I have an excellent bloodline and very tiny birds of good nature. I do not mass produce these birds. I am only interested in producing a limited number of birds each year of both quality and excellent health. I do NOT require a signed contract in order to purchase my birds. I make them available under the same terms as my other breeds. However, I don’t recommend Seramas for young children without direct supervision of adults.
Call Ducks
I was one of the first official exhibitors of the Butterscotch Call when the variety was going through the process of being entered into the Standards of Perfection, and I am sponsoring the portrait of the Butterscotch Drake for the new ABA Standards book. Most breeders, including myself, continue to work on type and size for the Butterscotch, as well as bill length. I’ve had success in getting the overall size of the Butterscotch down to that of most other Call Duck varieties. My color is excellent and my females have strong eyestreaks.
Although the Snowys remain a little larger than other varieties amongst most breeders including myself, my birds are well-proportioned and have beautiful iridescent speculums – males as well as females. The 2003 hatching season should yield smaller birds since I’ve had some success in getting the overall size down in 2002.